Being a Saturday night and being in Rio we decided that we
should take the opportunity to experience the night life. We made I way into
Lapa to enjoy some Forro dancing. Forro is a Brazilian style of dancing where
the partners hold each other close and it gets very heated.
We got to the club to find that Saturday was the national
Forro day and on the square outside the club there was a stage with live music
and a bunch of people dancing Forro in the rain.
After enjoying the music and watching the dancing for a
while we walked further into Lapa and down some packed party streets. These
were the same streets that I walked the other day and they were now alive! We
walked past a few places and looked inside and every club / bar had live music
and people all over where dancing. Music and dance is really part of Brazilian
soul. A Shell petrol station had even been taken over by pedestrians dancing to
the music of the place next door with drinks in hand.