didn't sleep well so slept late and got up just in time for breakfast and
sorted out some info for peña for tonight (local folklore music evening only
found in Salta). I then went to Maam museum with layla (really interesting
history about Incas and some mummies they found in the area).

the museum I went to find a bar to watch rugby but nothing was open in the bar
street so kept walking and went to area guy from hostel suggested. On my walk I
walked through a park with old army equipment (tanks, mortars, aircraft, etc)
and at the end of the street I found an army base but no bar so kept walking a
little and found a sports club (hockey and baseball).

the restaurant clubhouse thing had a TV and got them to change to the rugby but
unfortunately I could only find the Ireland vs France 6 nations game but no
stormers game. I watched the game with a beer and and lomito.

the game I went to watch the live baseball game that they were playing outside.
It was really interesting and the crowd was very involved but I didn't know
much about the game and the teams so didn’t stay too long.

like the feel of Salta, I can't explain it but it just has a nice atmosphere
and feel to it when walking around... It's hot and humid with a bit of rain
here and there but it's a nice little city.

at the hostel I managed to have a siesta. After my siesta I got up and
finalised my plans for the night to go to a peña called La Panaderia del Chuña.
We got there at 9:30 and we were one of the first people there (very early by
argentine standards - normally only go out 2am or so). We had a nice
international table with Dutch, German, Spanish, Argentinian and South African.

wasn’t that hungry and my stomach was not very happy with me so got something
simple (Tamale and llama empanada). They were both very tasty and hopefully
didn't upset my stomach too much.

first act was two guys on guitar and a lady singing. Didn't have much
atmosphere but we used wine to help with that. After them one guitarist stayed
and was joined by a trumpeter. The growing crowd and more lively music got the
atmosphere going and there were soon people dancing and much more interaction
with the audience. They played some classics like bohemian rhapsody and Carlos
Santana as well as local sings that I had no idea what they were but the locals
all sang along and got up to dance. They then played a video of places around
the world while they reset the stage and it started in Cape Town. Needless to
say we made lots of noise to show our appreciation!

next act were some traditional dancers, then were a group with some guitars,
drums and a few singers who serenaded a group of woman on stage with a song and
then sang a few more with the crowd.

more wine and conversation the next act started (which was a ventriloquist and
we didn't understand much) so we got the bill and headed to the main square to
see if there was anything happening for the festival but unfortunately there
wasn't so we headed back to the hostel.

Paula and I had some beer before calling it a night at about 3.