I took another slow start to the day and read in bed a little before heading into to town. The weather decided to change a little and was now windy and overcast but still made my way to Mathildas for some coffee and to do the last little bit of catching up on my blog and admin.

Here I met some climbers who had just arrived in El Chalten and were staying a month or so to enjoy all the mountains in the surrounds. After finishing all my admin  started walking around town and bumped into Rebecca and Matt and then we went back to the hostel to get settled in only to make our way back to Mathildas to take advantage of their Wifi. After a while Wil and Ryan joined us and we made our way back to their hostel for some cheap beer.

At their hostel we sat and chatted and caught up a little over beer and we even had a special guest of the hostel’s pet lamb running around and keeping us entertained. Wil and Ryan left to get some dinner while Rebecca, Matt and I had a few more beers before going to get some take away asado which we took back to our hostel. Wasn’t the best I have had but it was rather cheap so worth it. At the hostel they didn’t have any cutlery so my Leatherman came in very handy.

After dinner we went back to the helado shop to enjoy a good night ice cream before bed...