to my early night I woke early n enjoyed lying in bed for a while before
getting the day started. The early start also meant that I could have a skype
chat home and chat to my parents and gran who recently turned 88.

enjoyed some cereal and bread for breakfast before heading to independence
square to meet Florian for coffee. While drinking coffee and catching up our
table grew with people he had met in other cities and we all continued chatting
for a while. After lunch we decided to part ways and I returned to the hostel
and got some salami and tomato to make myself a sarmie for lunch.

went to get my book and started reading for a while before falling asleep.
After my nap I went walking looking for hat and sloffies but didn't find much
so returned to the hostel and met Richard and Mariel and had a few drinks.
After a while the hostel special of 2 for 1 beers and free tequila started so,
as any good person would, we took advantage. The tequila was terrible but free,
I mean worse than normal!

dinner we got burger from food market across the road before Cheryl and Rowan
arrived at Florian's hostel and they joined us just before the special ended.
We carried on drinking and chatting until 2 when we decided to call it a night.